Timeless heroes are those who time cannot wash away from the hearts of generations and generations after them. Men who laid the foundations of our civilization, education, government, science and technology.  We cannot talk about democracy without talking about the ancient Greek philosopher and foundations of America. How can we talk about talk about electricity without talking Michael Faraday and Benjamin Franlkin? Our world is better because of their sacrifices and contributions. They did not have must of the things we have now yet they made it possible for us to have them. Abraham Lincoln of America taught us perseverance and leadership in the face difficulties. Martin Luther taught courage and dedication to conviction. They are men who gave us the world we have today. Some are not known by the whole world. Men like King Koko of Nembe and King Jaja of Opobo that stood  against the British oppression and Oba of Benin that died on exile after Britain invaded his kingdom. Some of them were generations apart but their thoughts and ideas were connected by universal power of goodwill. Right now, we don't care if the were black or white, rich or poor, tall or short, male or female, but we know that history will not stop writing their stories.

My heart goes for those whose names are not known atall because of their locations, status or the lack of good documentaion in their times. They still live in our hearts. They are more alive to us than those who live their lives for themselves.  The mothers who motivated their children to change the world, and father who lost all they had to give children a better future. Those who wrote books and inscriptions without their name on them. Those handed down wisdom and proverbs in Africa, Asia, and indeed whole world. Those who gave their to build the pyramids of Egypt. Some even died while building bridges, roads, house and so on to make our lives better. Some died while they were trying to invent and discover the things we take for granted today.

However, some are men of recent times. Albert Einsten that change the world of physics and developed the atomic energy equation that has helped to power many nations. He and others ran of the hell of Hitler to generate the field that is transforming the face of the Earth. One writer said that they ran with their initial capital in their heads. Some refused to work with Hitler at the expense of their lives. It was more than sixty years ago, yet many have fresh memory of them. How can I stop without saying something about Nelson Mandela who spend most part of his active life in the prison. Even before Obama, this man had proved that the colour of our skin has nothing to do with to the power of our understanding. What about Bill Gate, whose gave us the personal computer and gives billions as aids to many poor nations. Mother Theresa, George Muller, Isaac Ochberg and Princess Diana just mention a few who shown us the beauty of selfless kindness.

We may have better and faster information, communication technology and systems today. We may make money world sport and world commerce. Let us not take for granted the prices paid by this men and woman that gave all they had to give them to us. The shadow of these men's light gave shades to our realities and perspectives. What will we giving to the world after us. What light are shedding for the leaders and actors that are about to climb the stage. Like Shakespare will put it, the world is a stage, we come, we act and we go. We may stay a short time on Earth but our mission is timeless. Indeed we all can be timeless heroes. Your selfless today can make a timeless impact in future.




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